K6 Pastorale
pour chant et piano — Pastorale für Stimme (Sopran) und Klavier - Pastorale for soprano and piano - Пастораль для голоса (сопрано) и фортепиано - Pastorale per voce e pianoforte
Scored for: Voice and Piano; Voice and winds (Oboe, Cor anglais, Clarinet in A, Bassoon); Violin and Piano; Violin and winds (Oboe, Cor anglais, Clarinet in A, Bassoon).
Text: The text consists of a vocalise only.
Construction: The Pastorale is a one-movement sung piece without a metronome marking in F# major for mezzo soprano and piano, Larghetto in 3/4 at a length of 25 bars; it is based on the melancholy, peaceful Vokalise, in Russian ‘Ay’ (French: Aou) and has a piano accompaniment which is predominantly melodic in the upper part and has a strong semiquaver movement (almost) throughout in the bass. The tempo slows for a short period in the middle of bar 16 and goes back to a tempo in bar 17.
Dedication: >A M-lle Nadiejda Rimsky-Korsakow.< [To Miss Nadiejda Rimsky-Korsakow].
Duration: Depending on the version and the performance, between 2'49" and 6'.
Date of origin: Original version Voice and Piano: Ustilug 1907; Version Voice and winds: Biarritz, December 1923; Augmented version Violin and winds: the first half of 1933; Augmented version Violin and Piano: the first to the second half of 1933.
First performance: private: 31st October 1907 in the private circle of Rimsky-Korssakow in St. Petersburg by Maximilian Steinberg and Igor Strawinsky; public: 27th December 1907 in the Hall of the Music School of St. Petersburg, as part of the concerts of the evening circle for contemporary music by Jelisaweta Petrenko (chant) and Igor Strawinsky; Version voice and winds 1923: 11st March 1924 in the
History of origin: For a long time, the year 1908 was regarded as the year of composition for this work. It was given as such in the first printed editions under the statement of the title. In the meanwhile (since 1962 as a result of the publication of the second volume of Jastrebzev’s memoirs of Rimsky-Korsakov), the two dates of the premières could be established and make it clear that the creation of the composition was in the previous year, 1907, at the latest. From Strawinsky’s subsequent explanations, we know further that he had composed the piece ‘In the memory of Nadesha’s voice’. She is also the dedicatee. The composition received some success, so that Strawinsky produced quite a few versions. The history of composition thus stretches up to the year 1933.
Version for Voice and Winds 1923
In December 1923, Strawinsky produced a version in Biarritz, in which he left the Soprano part unaltered, but replaced the piano with four woodwind instruments (Oboe, Cor anglais, Clarinet in A, Bassoon). From a letter dated 24th March 1924 which he wrote to Ansermet from the Palace Hotel in Madrid, it seems that he took on this orchestration for the Brazilian Soprano Vera Antwerp-Janacopoulos, who was appearing in his Spanish concerts at that time and for whom he also arranged Tilimbom. Without doubt, the sound of the Woodwinds suits the Vocalise better than the tempered piano sound. Since the creation of this version lies chronologically between the completion of the Octetand that of the Piano Concerto, and both the Octetand Piano Concertoare based around woodwind instruments, the connection with these works seems to be clear.
Expanded version for Violin and Winds 1933
While Strawinsky did not alter the structure for the woodwind orchestration of 1923, the two 1933 versions, for Violin and Woodwinds as well as the following one for Violin and piano, are more drastic, because they work with combinations. The thought of replacing the Vocalise with a violin part seems to have been obvious. There had been an outside cause since the 30’s in Strawinsky’s ambition to improve his artistic and also financial situation by means of chamber concerts. He joined forces with the violinist Samuel Dushkin as a consequence of their collaboration on the Violin Concerto, and with his specialist knowledge, he made arrangements of a whole series of excerpts, in order to create a full evening-concert programme, alongside the composition of original works. In a letter of 31st July 1933 from Voreppe, Strawinsky sent back to Strecker in Mainz the copies of the contracts for both violin versions and at the same time wrote that the extended version for violin and piano was not yet complete, and the extended version for violin and woodwinds had just been recorded by him and Dushkin by Columbia on vinyl. In doing so, Strawinsky was referring to the recording in Paris in the Studio Albert on 6th June 1933, which substantiates the fact that the woodwind version must have been completed before the version for violin and piano. One also gets the impression that Strawinsky, not unusually for his working methods, regarded the version for violin and piano rather as a sort of piano reduction of the version for violin and woodwinds. Apart from this, he conveyed to Strecker that he would have to wait for Dushkin to arrive from America before the completion of the final version. The reasons for this were too obvious that he did not have to explain them to the publisher especially: the arrangement of the violin part was taken care of by Dushkin. For his violin versions, Strawinsky extended the Pastorale by 25 bars to a total of 41 bars, so that the work gained a new weight. The Larghetto in the original version, which has no metronome marking, became a Moderato, quaver = 88-92 with a metronome mark. According to his ideas at the time, the tempo became equal throughout, and the small, slower interlude from the original version was omitted; for this, he gives the marking rall. at the end of bar 32. He gave to the violin a large number of faster, swirling decorative notes, lending the work a virtuoso appearance through the violin tone which is less mysterious than the vocalise. From the outside, it does not appear as a violin accompanied by a woodwind quartet, but a quintet of balanced instruments, the musical figures of which are interwoven into one another. As a result of the differing weight of the instrumentation, there are no structural divisions. As in many of Strawinsky’s works, the bass line in broken chords, here represented by the bassoon, occasionally becomes dominant in the sound.
Expanded version for Violin and Piano 1933
Strawinsky used the same process in the same year, 1933, to the version for violin and piano, better, he transcribed the edition for violin and woodwinds into a piano reduction rather than creating a completely new version. The music therefore corresponds to that of the woodwind version of 1933. Unlike in the original Pastorale of 1907 or the 1923 version, Strawinsky made many alterations in the bass of the piano. The original version was a wandering soundworld which the piano inhabited ornamentally in the upper register and supported in the bass with broken chords which remain the same, so the moments in the violin part are now also taken into the piano. In doing so, Strawinsky alternated the musical figures, where they appear, directly between the violin and piano parts, so that both instruments melt into one unit. This technique dominates the entire piece, with the exception of a few bars, which form a sort of middle section. The extension of the original version by 16 bars, from 25 to 41 bars, which Strawinsky made in 1933, is based exclusively on the principle of combination. This new version was written as an extension, not as the result of a structural reworking, for which Strawinsky would have had to interfere with the original substance of the work and would have had to develop a completely new version, which would probably have required the reappraisal of every single bar. In fact, he did not completely rewrite any bars, but interconnected sequences of bars, single bars and also parts of single bars from the old version into the original. Bar 10 is a repetition of bar 9, bar 12 a repetition of bar 11, bar 17 a repetition of bar 4, which Strawinsky retained in the extended version. He remained in the key of F-sharp major, and retained the metrical unity of the 3/4-bar and similarly kept the clear metrical definition of the beats in 3 removable sections, to which he now, as one would hardly expect anything else, gave a metronome marking. The combined changes and internal compressions appear from bar 9 of the expanded version and end in bar 32. In this way, the beginning and the ending of the original remain unchanged, consisting of 8 and 9 bars respectively. The additional 16 bars form the (imaginary) middle section, using the contents of the beginning and ending bars and incorporating the remaining 8 bars from the original. Bars 9 and 10 as well as 14 to 16 correspond to the same bars in the original with minimal changes, while bars 11 to 13 are again identical to the original version. Bars 17 to 24 connect bars 21, 22, 3, 4, 17, 18, 19 and 20, according to the original numbering, one after another. Bar 25 corresponds to a minimally changed bar 9 (=10), and likewise bar 26 corresponds to bar 11 (=12). Bar 27 is the same as bar 11, while bar 28 has the same accompaniment as bar 12, with the added obligato violin figure that runs throughout the expanded version from bar 24. The sequence of bars, 29 to 32, brings the climax of this combinatorial construction, in that it breaks up single bars from the original and rearranges them differently. Bar 29 takes the bass line from bar 13, the treble from the 2nd and 3rd beat of bar 12, and the 1st beat of bar 13, and the violin part likewise from the 1st bar unit of bar 13 from the original. The accompanying part from bar 30 corresponds to the piano part from bar 14, while the violin part is formed from the 1st and 2nd beats of bar 14 and the 1st beat of bar 13. He formed bar 31 from the 1st and 3rd beats of bar 14 and the 1st beat of bar 15. Finally, bar 32 is a combination of bar 16 for the accompaniment and the 1st beat of bar 13 for the violin. The subsequent bars, 33-41, correspond to bars 17 to 25 of the original.
Table comparing the 1933 expanded version and the original
1 = 1
2 = 2
3 = 3
4 = 4 = 7
5 = 5
6 = 6
7 = 7
8 = 8
9 = 9* = 10
10= 10* = 9
11 = 11 = 11
12 = 12 = 11
13 = 13
14 = 14*
15 = 15*
16 = 16*
17 = 21
18 = 22
19 = 3
20 = 4
21 = 17
22 = 18
23 = 19
24 = 20
25 = 9* = 10*
26 = 11*= 12
27 = 11
28 = 12
29 = 12 + 13
30 = 14 + 13
31 = 14 + 15
32 = 16 + 13
33 = 17 = 4
34 = 18
35 = 19
36 = 20
37 = 21
38 = 22
39 = 23
40 = 24
41 = 25
* Minimal changes.
Versions: The rights to the work originally were in possession of the Russian publisher, Jurgenson, in Moscow, who published the original edition for Voice and Piano. His English distributor was Chester in London. It can be assumed that Jurgenson published both editions at pretty much the same time, as the edition with the Balakirev advert, which was also found in the music left in Strawinsky’s estate, may be the original edition for the Russian market, from which the advert in Cyrillic text, which would have been mostly impossible to understand in non-Russian-speaking countries, was removed for distribution on the non-Russian market. After the expropriation, Jurgenson sought to safeguard his rights in the publishing house Robert Forberg in Leipzig, at the time managed by Robert Max Forberg. Chester gave the copies printed in Russia with their own preliminary information in 1920. Clearly unacquainted with the Russian-German situation concerning rights and not in the possession of the original printing plates which were in the meanwhile being stored at Forberg, Chester went on to publish the Jurgenson edition with its own name and plate number, J. W. C. 3832. The date of publication can only be guessed at, but must be later than 1920. At Forberg, they began to print smaller works by Strawinsky from 1920, including the Pastorale . From the dating of the copy ‘2 Mus.pr. 8187’ in the Bavarian State Library, a new printing took place in 1925, which still named Jurgenson as the original publisher. The following printing, which is in private ownership, removes the name of the publisher, Jurgenson, and only names Forberg, but however bears the mark of a stamp, from which can be gleaned that the work had been taken on by Universal Edition under the number U.E. 8351. The trial surrounding the Firebird in Leipzig in 1927 had its effect on the next printing of Pastorale in 1929, when Schott had to print the woodwind version arranged by Strawinsky for Vera Janacopoulos in 1923, and in doing so had to arrange it with Forberg. This printing makes extensive reference to Jurgenson and is the oldest of the ensemble editions. It comes from the time in which the rights still belonged to Jurgenson and Forberg, and it was published before the War in a new version. The two editions contain no publisher’s mark before the plate number (32375). They can be differentiated by means of another statement of rights ownership (Forberg instead of Jurgenson), the replacement of the publishers’ emblem on the back side of the cover which has changed from rectangular to oval, the omission of the thickened decorative dot above the name of the author on the outer title page, and a different advert on the credits page (production data 24 instead of 959). It can be seen from the delivery notes belonging to Schott Publishers, which ended up in Stravinsky’s possession, that the publishers sent the editions 2294 (Violin-Piano) and 3313 (Violin and Winds) on the date 22nd September 1952, and the score and parts of the later edition for Violin and Wind Quartet on the date 8th April 1962.
Print runs and sales: From the score Voice with Woodwind accompaniment, Schott published a set of 300 copies from a print run on 2nd September 1929. It was printed again under different rights conditions after the end of the War. In Strawinsky’s lifetime, there were 3 print runs with 800 copies in total (print runs: 6th December 1950: 300; 18th April 1962: 200; 25th March 1970: 300). The first edition of the version for voice and woodwinds after the War was published again outside Copyright. The set of parts belonging to Schott’s first edition of 1929 was ordered on 6th June 1929. 100 copies were printed. They were part of the hire material, and therefore do not bear an edition number and they were given the plate number 32376. One copy (without a cover) of this could be found, in private ownership and not in the possession of a library. From what can be suggested from a promotional entry, it was probably, temporarily at least, available to buy. The Pastorale also went to Schott along with the transfer of all rights to the Firebird to Schott on 18th July 1933; they from then on referred to themselves as sole owners on all further printings of the Pastorale except the later edition of 1929 with a different design). The actual original version for Voice and Piano was sold by the Leipzig publishers Robert Forberg after Jurgenson was disappropriated. The remaining 454 copies of the actual original version for Voice and Piano was taken on by Schott Publishers, based in Mainz and Leipzig on 25th July 1933, who followed up with six print runs in Strawinsky’s lifetime. The print runs for this were arranged for 3rd August 1948, 18th March 1953, 2nd April 1956 and 8th May 1961 for 300 copies, and 16th November 1964 and 22nd March 1971 for 500 copies each. Up to the end of the century, there were an additional 5 printings (2/4/1975: 500; 7/8/1978: 500; 23/1/1985: 400; 21/2/1990: 200/217; 13/7/1994: 200/223 +6). The first printing of the version for Voice and Piano after the Second World War still required a French Visa, as Mainz belonged to the French occupation zone. For the first reprinting of the version for voice and winds from 1950, Schott left in the statement of ownership for Forberg. They used the old printing plates, obviously noticed the mistake, but for reasons that still remain unclear it was not removed. 1934 is the year of the first registration of copyright for the two new versions for Violin and piano and for Violin and woodwinds, both with extended music, with which Forberg was clearly no longer involved with. As for the version for violin and piano, there were two editions from the early years (stand 963 with a statement of the Leipzig office among others) with the oval Schott vignette on the back of the cover, while the adverts on the credits page of the score (compositions and transcriptions by Samuel Dushkin) and violin part (successful works for Violin and piano) remain unchanged. Here, the location of the office is still only given as Mainz. Schott had a print run on 7th February 1934 of 800 copies for the version for Violin and Piano, which was followed by 4 further printings (28th July 1951, 25th March 1955, 28th November 1963, 24th June 1970), each with 300 copies apiece, so that in Strawinsky’s lifetime, 2,000 copies in total were produced in 5 print runs. Up to the end of the century, there were 4 further print runs (26/8/1974: 300; 12/3/1981: 300; 25/6/1987: 300; 7/10/1993: 200/230+6). The first edition must have been produced astoundingly quickly, because it was available for sale from 12th February 1934 at the latest. Leaving aside the test printed edition for the moment, which only appears in the British Library and was only acquired by the latter on 31st August 1954, something similar was also the case for the edition for violin and wind instruments. It was first published in 1934 in landscape format without a plate number and with a rectangular publishers’ emblem but without advertisements. The landscape format was retained for the subsequent edition, as well as the omission of any adverts, however, a plate number was printed, the square/rectangular publishers’ emblem was exchanged for an oval one, and on the inside title, the Italian ‘per’ was replaced by the French ‘pour’. The version for violin and woodwinds strangely has neither plate- nor edition number, but the copyright mark 1934 and is printed in landscape format (8° obl.). The plate and edition numbers were added later. In Strawinsky’s lifetime, 6 print runs were published with 1,700 copies in total (print runs 18th April 1934: 200; 14th July 1934: each 200* (as it is entered in the engraving book); 19th February 1952: 300; 17th March 1961: 200; 4th May 1965: 300; 27th October 1971: 300), 4 printings of the parts of 200 copies each (14th July 1934, 3rd June 1957, 30th March 1965 and 13th December 1968) and between Strawinsky’s death and the end of the century, a further 5 printings (20/10/1978: 200; 8/3/1983: 200 with a new cover; 6/12/1990: 150/176+6; 14/1/1991: 150/171 +6; 3/1/1996: 150/175 +6). In 1962, Schott renewed the copyright for the version for Violin and Woodwind, published in landscape format. – The history of the printings of thePastorale can therefore be traced almost without omissions/holes, because there is an American tradition of subsequent printings in its own right which was not straightforward at the time; it began in 1917 with the Homeyer printing in Boston. Schirmer organised a printing in 1939 in the United States without stating the owner’s name. There then followed further arrangements for piano (Frederick Block 1941), for Oboe and Piano (1942) and in 1955 the woodwind arrangement for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon by Quinto Maganini, who arranged several of Strawinsky’s pieces for woodwind, while in the series of Russian unauthorised editions of Strawinsky’s entire song output from 1962, strangely Pastorale , the only work for solo voice, was omitted. The sheer number of editions is astonishing, because the success in sales was limited. Schott had produced the Pastorale in Dushkin’s version for Violin and Piano in 1934 in a print run of 800 copies, and sold so few of them (up to the middle of the following years: 1934=120, 1935=68, 1936=26, 1937=29) that a large part of the print run had to left untouched throughout the War. After the War as well, the numbers did not increase greatly. Between the middle of 1956 and the middle of 1962, sales were around 187 copies. On 1st July 1964, there were still 310 copies in stock. Of these, the publishers sold, between the middle of 1964 and 1969, a number, which only just exceeds three figures. It was similar for the score and the parts. Between the middle of 1956 and the middle of 1962, Schott sold 220 scores and 118 sets of parts from new printings of 200 copies each (in 1960/61 for the score and 1957/58 for the parts). On 30th June 1965, they still had 55 scores in stock and 19 sets of parts, so that there were new printings in 1965/66 to a total number of copies that had in the meantime become more modest. Up to the middle of 1969, a similar number of them was sold as for the version for violin and piano.
Historical recordings: Paris Studio Albert 6th June 1933 with Samuel Dushkin Violin), Louis Gromer (Oboe), Georges Durand (English horn), André Vacellier (Clarinet) and Gabriel Grandmaison (Bassoon) under the direction of Igor Strawinsky; New York 9th February 1946 with Joseph Szigeti (Violin), Mitchell Miller (Oboe), D. Gassman (English horn), R. McGinnis (Clarinet) and Sol Schoenbach (Bassoon) under the direction of Igor Strawinsky; Hollywood 26th October 1965 with the violinist Israel Baker and the Columbia Chamber Ensemble.
CD edition: VII-1/11 (Recording 1965).Autographs: The whereabouts of the original are unclear. In Strawinsky's estate there was only an edition of the version for voice and woodwind of 1923 which contained entries. This version is today located at the Paul Sacher Stiftung, Basel. The London British Library is in possession of the sheet corrections for the version for violin and woodwind [c.133.b.(2)].
Copyright: 1934 by B. Schott's Söhne, Mainz (Version Violin and Piano); 1948 by Schott & Co. Ltd., London (Version Voice and Piano); 1962 renewed by B. Schott's Söhne, Mainz (Version Violin and winds).Editions
a) Overview
6-1 1910 Voice-Piano; r-f; Jurgenson Moskau; 5 pp.; 34546.
6-1Strawibd. [with annotations].
6-1[17] ibd.
6-2 1917 Voice-Piano; Homeyer & Co. Boston [unidentified].
6-3 [1920] Voice-Piano; Jurgenson Moskau / Chester London; 5 pp.; 34546.
6-4 1922 Voice-Piano; Chester London; 5 pp.; J. W. C. 3832.
6-5 [1925] Voice-Piano; Jurgenson / Forberg Leipzig; 5 pp.; 34546.
6-6 [1925] Voice-Piano; Forberg Leipzig; 5 pp.; 34546; [8351 Universal-Edition Wien].
6-7 1929 FuSc Voice-Instruments with VoSc; Schott Mainz-Leipzig; 7 pp.; 32375; 3399.
6-7Straw1ibd. [with annotations].
6-7Straw2 ibd. [with annotations].
6-7[50] ibd.
6-7[62-70] ibd.
6-8 1934 Violin-Piano; Schott Mainz-Leipzig; 4 pp.; B·S·S 33976; 2294.
6-8Straw ibd. [with annotations].
6-8x ibd. [1948, with French permission].
6-8[51] [1951] ibd. [with annotations].
6-9 (1934) Violin-Instruments; Schott Mainz; 16 pp. obl.; 33967; –
6-9Straw(1934) ibd.
6-10 1934 Violin-Instruments; Schott Mainz; 15. pp. obl.; – ; – .
6-10[52] [1952] ibd.; B·S·S 33967 ; 3313.
6-10[62] [1962] ibd.
6-11St1934 Parts Violin-Instruments; Schott Mainz; B·S·S 33967a; zu: 3313.
6-11St-Straw1934 ibd.
6-13Alb1939 Voice-Piano; Schirmer New York; in: Art Songs; pp. 196-197; 33818.
6-14Alb1941 Piano (Block); Marks 3 pp.; 11515-3.
6-14 1941 Piano (Block); Marks New York; 5 pp.; 11515-3; 11515 [unidentified].
6-15 1942 Flute-Piano; Edition Musicus; [unidentified].
6-16 1942 Oboe-; Edition Musicus; 5. pp. [unidentified].
6-17 1942 B-Clarinet-Piano; Edition Musicus; [unidentified].
6-18 1948 Voice-Piano; Schott Mainz; 5 pp.; B·S·S 37191; 2295.
6-18[53] [1953] ibd.
6-18[61] [1961] ibd.
6-18[64] [1964] ibd.
6-19 1955 Score (Maganini); Edition Musicus New York; 4 pp.; Pl.-Nr. 1187 [unidentified].
6-20 1963 Score Voice-Instruments; Moskau; 6 pp; 30883.
b) Characteristic features
6-1 Igor STRAWINSKY. / PASTORALE / pour Chant et Piano. / [vignette*] / Propriété de l'éditeur [°] / P. JURGENSON. / MOSCOU–LEIPZIG. [°] [#] Prix.—40 kop. [**] // [title page = front cover page] // (Edition [library binding] 26.5 x 34.2 (2° [4°]); vokalise Russian-French; 5 [3] pages + 4 cover pages black on light beige [front cover title with a rich internally subdivided publisher’s emblem 0.7 x 0.7 double-headed eagle with crown, sceptre and sword**, 2 empty pages, page with publisher’s advertisements >Oeuvres de M. Balakirew. Сочиненія М. Балакирева.<*** without production date] + 2 pages front matter [title page, empty page] + 1 page back matter [empty page]; title head >PASTORALE.<; dedication above title head italic >A M-lle Nadiejda Rimsky-Korsakow.<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 3 below title head flush right centred >Musique de / IGOR STRAWINSKY. / (1908)<; legal reservations without Copyright 1st page of the score below type area below asterisk-note flush left >Propriété de l'éditeur< flush right >P. Jurgenson a Leipsic et Moscou.<; plate number >34546<; production indication p. 5 below type area flush right as end mark >Gravé et impr. chez< [separating emblem****] >P. Jurgenson à Moscou.<) [1910]
° Following 5 empty squares one line in height, which act as distance squares to the justified end of the section.
* The London copy >H.786.k.(2.)< contains (only) on the front cover title at the bottom of the page centre a stamp mark >NET. 1/—<.
** Production indication above flush left centre, spanning three lines; price mark flush right.
*** The legal information in Russian-German states the branch locations as Moscow and Leipzig, whilst the solely Russian text also gives St. Petersburg-Jurgenson and Warsaw with Kiev.
**** A simply structured crest-like publisher’s emblem0.6 x 0.7 double-headed eagle with crown, sceptre and sword.
The copy from Stravinsky’s estate has a different (richer) pattern of coats-of-arms on the title page to the subsequent edition by Chester.
6-1[17] IGOR STRAWINSKY. / PASTORALE / pour Chant et Piano. / [vignette] / Propriété de l'éditeur [°] / P. JURGENSON. / MOSCOU–LEIPZIG. [°] [#] Prix.—40 kop. [*] // [title page = front cover title] // (Edition [library binding] 26.8 x 34.2 (2°[4°]); Vokalise Russian-French; 5 [3] pages + 4 cover pages black on brown(cream)beige [front cover title with a rich internally subdivided vignette 0.7 x 0.7 double-headed eagle with crown, sceptre and sword**, 3 empty pages] + 2 pages front matter [title page, empty page] + 1 page back matter [empty page]; title head >PASTORALE.<; dedication above title head italic >A M.lle Nadiejda Rimsky-Korsakow.<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 3 below title head flush right centred >Musique de / IGOR STRAWINSKY. / (1908)<; legal reservation without Copyright 1st page of the score below type area flush left >Propriété de l'éditeur< flush right >P. Jurgenson a Leipsic et Moscou.<; plate number >34546<; production indication p. 5 below type area flush right as end mark >Gravé et impr. chez< [separating emblem***] >P. Jurgenson à Leipsic et Moscou.<) // [1917]
° Following 5 empty squares one line in height, which act as distance squares to the justified end of the section.
* The copy Basel >62-STRAW-152< contains on the front cover below the legal reservations flush left an oval stamp mark >J. & W. CHESTER / -11- / Gr. Marlborough Street / LONDON W.<.
** Production indication above flush left centre, spanning three lines; price mark flush right.
*** A simply structured crest-like publisher’s emblem0.6 x 0.7 double-headed eagle with crown, sceptre and sword.
6-2 1917 Edition chant-piano; Homeyer & Co. Boston [unidentified].
6-3 Igor Strawinsky / PASTORALE / pour Chant et Piano / Copyright for the British Empire / J. & W. CHESTER. / 11, Great Marlborough Street. [#] 1, Palace Place, Cartle Sq. / LONDON, W. [#] BRIGHTON. / For all other countries P. Jurgenson, / Moscow / Printed by P. Jurgenson. Moscow. // (Edition [library binding] 26.8 x 34.5 (2°[4°]); Vokalise Russian-French; 5 [3} pages black on creme-white [1 page = pages 3 and 4 unbound enclosed] + 2 pages front matter [title page, empty page] + 1 page back matter [page with publisker’s advertisement]; dedication 1st page of the score >A M-lle Nadiejda Rimsky-Korsakow<; author specified 1st page of the score >Musique de / IGOR STRAWINSKY / (1908)<; legal reservation without Copyright 1st page of the score below type area >Propriété de l'éditeur<; plate number >34546<; production indication p. 5 as end mark >Gravé et impr. chez P. Jurgenson à Moscou.<) // (1920*)
* The copy of the British Library >H.786.d.(10.)<, which came to London as part of the Hirsch collection, contains a stamp mark >2/ NET CASH<.
** Dating according to British Library.
6-4 IGOR STRAWINSKY* / PASTORALE** / POUR CHANT ET PIANO / [vignette] / Prix / 2/_ – Net (Fr. 2.25) / J. & W. CHESTER, LTD. [#] SEULS DÉPOSITAIRES POUR LA FRANCE / [#] ROUART, LEROLLE & CIE, / LONDON, W. I.: [#] / [#] 29 RUE D'ASTORG, PARIS. / 11 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET. [#] / [#] SEULS DÉPOSITAIRES POUR LA BELGIQUE / GENÈVE: [#] MAISON CHESTER [#] / 9-11 FUSTERIE [#] 86, RUE DE LA MONTAGNE, BRUXELLES. / P. JURGENSON, MOSCOU // (Edition [library binding] 24.7 x 33.5 (2° [4°]); Vokalise Russian-French; 5 [3] pages + 2 pages front matter [title page with vignette 4 x 0,4 Double circle with two lines of differing lengths running right and left respectively, empty page] + 1 page back matter [page with imprint at the bottom of the page centre centred >Incisione e Stampa della Musica / Via Andrea Costa, 23 - MILANO<]; title head >PASTORALE<; dedication above title head centre italic >A M-lle Nadiejda Rimsky-Korsakov<; author specified 1st page of the score unpaginated [p. 3] below title head flush right centred >IGOR STRAWINSKY / 1908<; without legal reservation; production indications 1st page of the score below type area flush left >J. & W. CHESTER Ltd. London - Geneva.< flush right >P. Jurgenson, Moscou.<; plate number >J. W. C. 3832<; without end mark) // [1922]
* Double underlined.
** Triple underlined.
6-5 Igor Strawinsky. / PASTORALE / pour Chant et Piano. / P. JURGENSON [#] ROB. FORBERG / LEIPZIG / Talstraße 19. // (Edition [library binding] 26 x 33.5 (2°[4°]); Vokalise Russian-French; 5 [3] pages + 2 pages front matter [title page black on beige-brown, empty page] + 1 page back matter [empty page beige-brown]; title head >PASTORALE<; dedication above title head centre italic >A M-lle Nadiejda Rimsky-Korsakow.<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 3 below title head flush right centred >Musique de / IGOR STRAWINSKY. / (1908)<; legal reservation without Copyright 1st page of the score below type area flush left >Propriété de l'éditeur< flush right >P. Jurgenson Leipzig.<; plate number >34546<; without production indication) // [1925*]
* According to copy Bayerische Staatsbibliothek >2 Mus.pr. 8187<.
6-6 Igor Strawinsky / PASTORALE / pour Chant et Piano / Rob. Forberg / Leipzig C 1. / Talstraße 19. [*] // (Edition voice-piano not sewn 23.4 x 31.1 (2° [4°]); Vokalise Russian-French; 5 [3] pages + 2 pages front matter [title page black on cream-white, empty page] + 1 page back matter [empty page]; title head >PASTORALE.<; dedication above title head centre italic >A M-lle Nadiejda Rimsky-Korsakow.<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 3 below title head flush right centred >Musique de / IGOR STRAWINSKY. / (1908)<; legal reservation without Copyright 1st page of the score below type area flush left >Propriété de l'éditeur< flush right >Rob. Forberg, Leipzig.<; plate number >34546<; without end mark) // [1925]
* One copy, which was originally owned by a Käte Jena and remained in private ownership after her, has a stamp at the bottom centre of the page >In die Universal Edition as U. E.-Nr. 8351 aufgenommen<, with the edition number also included in the form stamp.
6-7 STRAWINSKY[*] / PASTORALE[**] / [vignette] / EDITION SCHOTT Nr. 3399 // Edition Schott No. 3399 / PASTORALE / Chanson sans paroles pour une voix / et quatre instruments à vent / [Asterisk] / Igor Strawinsky / [asterisk] / Partition / <avec réduction pour Piano> / B. SCHOTT'S SÖHNE, MAINZ [***] / LEIPZIG [#] LONDON [#] BRUXELLES [#] PARIS / B.SCHOTT'S SÖHNE [#] SCHOTT & Co. Ltd. [#] SCHOTT FRÈRES [#] EDITIONS MAX ESCHIG / Lindenstrasse 16/18 [#] 48 Great Marlborough Street [#] 30 Rue St. Jean [#] 48 Rue de Rome / Imprimé en Allemagne – Printed in Germany // (Score [with a piano reduction not intended to be performed] stapled 19.2 x 27.2 (4° [Lex. 8°]); vocalise Russian-French; 7 [6] pages + 4 cover pages black-red on beige [front cover title with vignette 1.8 x 1.9 blossom attached to part of a branch bowing left, 2 empty pages, page with centre centred publisher’s emblem rectangular 2.4 x 3.8 lion with wheel of Mainz in its paws and with writing encircling >B · SCHOTT’S SÖHNE [#] PER MARE [#] MAINZ UND LEIPZIG [#] ET TERRAS<] + 1 page front matter [title page] + 1 page back matter [page with publisher’s advertisements >IGOR STRAWINSKY<**** production date >959<]; title head > PASTORALE<; author specified 1st page of the score unpaginated [p. 2] below title head flush right centred >Igor Strawinsky / (1908-1924)<; legal reservations without Copyright 1st page of the score above title head flush left centred >Aufführungsrechte vorbehalten / Tous droits réservés< below type area flush right >Mit Genehmigung des Verlages P. Jurgenson, Leipzig.<; note [with asterisk] on performance as note on the 1st page of the score >Piano*)< and note with asterisk below type area flush left >* Réduction pour piano ne servant pas à l’exécution.<; plate number >32375<; production indication p. 7 flush right as end mark >Stich u. Druck von B. Schott's Söhne in Mainz<) // (1929)
* With a thickened decorative dot above the >I<.
** Printed in red.
*** A horizontal, double dividing line the width of the page of text 14.4 x 0.2 cm with the upper line broadened to 1 millimetre.
**** Ypsilon as fancy letter; compositions are advertised with edition numbers behind fill character (dotted line) >Feu d’artifice. Fantaisie pour grand orchestre, op. 4 / Partition d’orchestre <format de poche>° 3464 / Réduction pour Piano à 4 mains (O. Singer)° 962 / <Parties d’orchestre en location> / [Asterisk] / L’oiseau de feu. Ballet / Transcriptions pour Violon et Piano par l’auteur: / Prélude et Ronde des princesses° 2080 / Berceuse° 2081 / [Asterisk] / Pastorale. Chanson sans paroles pour une voix et quatre / instruments à vent / Partition <avec réduction pour Piano>° 3399 / <Parties en location>< [° fill character (dotted line)]. After Mainz the following places of printing are listed: Leipzig-London-Brüssel-Paris.
Strawinsky entered the Dushkin version into this copy along with the date of the première >Enrégistré / le 6 Mai 1933 / par / [there follow five signatures: Dushkin, L. Gromer, U. Durand, Gabriel Grandmaison, A. Vacellier] / sous ma direction I.St. / et sous / la direction / artistique.
Strawinsky used two copies to enter the Dushkin version. The first (see 6-7Straw1)is complete, including the advertisement pages, and the second (see 6-7Straw2) consists of pages 2 and 3 only.
6-7[50] I. STRAWINSKY / PASTORALE* / [vignette] / Partition / avec réduction pour Piano / EDITION SCHOTT 3399 // Edition Schott 3399 / PASTORALE / Chanson sans paroles pour une / voix et quatre instruments à vent / par / Igor Strawinsky / [Asterisk] / Partition avec réduction pour Piano / B. SCHOTT'S SÖHNE [#**] SCHOTT & CO. Ltd. / MAINZ: Weihergarten 5 [#**] London W. 1: 48 Great Marlborough Str. / Paris: Editions Max Eschig [#**] New-York: 25 West 45 th Street / 48 Rue de Rome [#**] Associated Music Publishers Inc. / Printed in Germany – Imprimé en Allemagne // (Full score [with a piano reduction for two hands not intended to be performed] stapled 19.2 x 27.5 [Lex. 8°]; Vokalise Russian-French; 7 [6] pages + 4 cover pages thick paper black-orange on light beige [front cover title with vignette 1.3 x 0.9 leaf attached to part of a branch, 2 empty pages, empty page with publisher’s emblem oval 2.8 x 3.6 wheel of Mainz in a frame containing text in bottom half >PER MARE< [#] >ET TERRAS< left and right] + 1 page front matter [title page] + 1 page back matter [page with publisher’s advertisements >IGOR STRAWINSKY<*** production date >24<]; title head >Pastorale<; author specified 1st page of the score unpaginated [p. 2] below title head flush right >Igor Strawinsky / (1908-1924)<; legal reservation without Copyright 1st page of the score below type area below note flush left >Mit Genehmigung der Firma Rob. Forberg, Leipzig as Rechtsnachfolgerin des Original-Verlegers.<; performance note [with asterisk] appearing on the 1st page of the score >Piano*)< as well as a comment note type area flush left >Réduction pour Piano ne servant pas à l'exécution<; plate number >32375<; production indication p. 7 flush right as end mark >Stich u. Druck von B. Schott's Söhne in Mainz<) // [1950]
* Printed in orange.
** Dividing round publisher’s emblem ø 2.2 wheel of Mainz in a frame containing text in bottom half >PER MARE< [#] >ET TERRAS< left and right, spanning more than 4 lines.
*** Compositions are advertised in French, the library material without editon numbers, the material for sale with edition numbers behind fill character (dotted line) >Concerto per due Pianoforti soli 2520 / Feu d'artifice. Fantaisie pour grand orchestre, opus 4 / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3464 / Réduction pour Piano à 4 mains (O. Singer) 962 / Scherzo fantastique. Fantaisie pour grand orchestre / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3501 / Symphonie en Ut pour grand orchestre / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3536 / Concerto pour Violon et orchestre / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3504 / Réduction pour Violon et Piano 2190 / Jeu de cartes. Ballet / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3511 / Partition de Piano 3296 / L'oiseau de feu. Ballet / Partition de Piano 3279 / Piano: / Berceuse 2547 / Ronde des princesses 2548 / Danse infernale, Berceuse et Finale (Transcription par Guido Agosti) 2378 / Violon et Piano: / Berceuse (Transcription par l'auteur) 2081 / Prélude et Ronde des princesses° Transcription par l'auteur) 2080 / Berceuse (Transcription par l'auteur et Dushkin) 2186 / Scherzo (Transcription par l'auteur et Dushkin) 2280) / Pastorale. Chanson sans paroles / Chant et Piano 2295 / Chant et 4 instruments à vent°° [#] Partition°°° 3399 / [#] Parties (en location) / Violon et Piano (par Strawinsky et Dushkin) 2294 / Violon et 4 instruments à vent°° [#] Partition°°° 3313 / Parties (en location) / Belowschale. Russiane Bauernlieder. 4 Chöre für gleiche Stimmen. / Beim Heiland von Tschigissy – Herbst – Der Hecht – Freund Dicksack< [° missing dot and missing left bracket original; °° fill character (dotted line); °°° without fill character (dotted line)].
6-8 STRAWINSKY / PASTORALE° / [vignette] / Transcription pour Violon et Piano / par / I. STRAWINSKY et S. DUSHKIN / EDITION SCHOTT No. 2294 // PASTORALE / Chanson sans paroles / par / Igor Strawinsky / [Asterisk] / Edition Schott / No. / Transcription par I. Strawinsky et / S. Dushkin / Violon et Piano°° 2294 / Violon et 4 instruments à vent / <Oboe, Corno inglese, Clarinetto, Fagotto> / Partition°° 3313 / Parties / Edition originale: / Chant et Piano°° 2295 / Chant et 4 instruments à vent / <Oboe, Corno inglese, Clarinetto, Fagotto> / Partition°° 3399 / Parties <en location> / B. SCHOTT'S SÖHNE [#]°°° SCHOTT & Co. LTD. / MAINZ und LEIPZIG [#]°°° LONDON W. 1, 48 Great Marlborough Str.°°°° / Paris: Editions Max Eschig [#]°°° New=York: 25 West 45th St. N.Y. City / 48, Rue de Rome et 1, Rue de Madrid [#]°°° Associated Music Publishers Inc. / Tous droits d'édition, d'execution publique, de traduction, de reproduction et de arrangements réservés. / Imprimé en Allemagne – Printed in Germany // (Edition for violin and piano stapled 24.3 x 31.6 (2°[4°]) with violin-part enclosed; 4 [4] pages + 4 cover pages thicker paper black-red on yellow [front cover title with vignette 1.8 x 1.9 leaf attached to part of a branch, 2 empty pages, page with publisher’s advertisements >IGOR STRAWINSKY<* production date >963<] + 2 pages front matter [title page, empty page] + 2 pages back matter [empty page, page with publisher’s advertisements >S. DUSHKIN / COMPOSITIONS ET TRANSCRIPTIONS<** production date >798<] + 3 [2] pages violin part [title page >Violino / Igor Strawinsky / PASTORALE / Chanson sans paroles / B. Schotts Söhne /*** Mainz<, 1st page of the score paginated p. 2, page of the score paginated p. 3, back matter with publisher’s advertisements >ERFOLGREICHE WERKE / Grands Succès [#] Great Successes / VIOLINE & PIANO<**** production date >22<]; title head >PASTORALRE<; authors specified 1st page of the score unpaginated [p. 1] [part: paginated p. 2] below title head [part: below centred name of the instrument >Violino<] flush right >Igor Strawinsky< flush left centred >Arrangé pour violon et piano / par l'auteur et S. Dushkin<; legal reservation 1st page of the scores below type area flush left >Copyright 1934 by B. Schott's Söhne, Mainz<; plate number >B·S·S 33976<; production indication p. 4 [part: p. 3] flush right as end mark >Stich u. Druck von B. Schott's Söhne in Mainz<) // (1934)
° Printed in red.
°° Fill character (dotted line).
°°° Dividing round publisher’s emblem ø 2.2 lion with wheel of Mainz in the frame and writing encircling >PER MARE< [#] >ET TERRAS<, spanning more than 4 lines.
°°°° The letter ‘t’ is badly printed (breaked off).
* Y as fancy letter. Compositions are advertised in French, the library material without editon numbers, the material for sale with edition numbers behind fill character (dotted line) >Feu d ’artifice. Fantaisie pour grand orchestre, op. 4 / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre <en location> / Partition d'orchestre <format de poche>° 3464 / Réduction pour Piano à 4 mains (O. Singer)° 962 / Scherzo fantastique. Fantaisie pour grand orchestre / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre <en location> / Partition d'orchestre <format de poche>° 3501 / Concerto pour Violon et orchestre / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre <en location> / Partition d'orchestre <format de poche>° 3504 / Reduction°° pour Violon et Piano° 2190 / L’oiseau de feu. <Der Feuervogel>. Ballet, Partition de piano°°° 3279 / Transcriptions pour Violon et Piano par l'auteur: / Prélude et Ronde des princesses° 2080 / Berceuse° 2081 / Nouvelle Transcription pour Violon et Piano / par l'auteur et S. Dushkin° / Berceuse° 2186 / Scherzo° 2280 / Pastorale. Chanson sans paroles / Chant et Piano° 2295 / Chant et 4 instruments à vent° Partition 3399 / Parties <en location> / Violon et Piano <par Strawinsky et Dushkin>° 2294 / Violon et 4 instruments à vent <Oboe, Corno inglese, / Clarinetto in la, Fagotto>° Partition 3313 / Parties°°° / Unterschale. Russische Bauernlieder, 4 Chöre für gleiche Stimmen. / Beim Heiland von Tschigissy – Herbst – Der Hecht – Freund Dicksack<. After Mainz the following places of printing are listed: Leipzig-London-Brüssel-Paris [° fill character (dotted line); °° the mistake with the accent is original; °°° without fill character (dotted line)].
** Consecutively numbered transcriptions by Samuel Dushkin for Violin and Piano are listed with their prices from >No. 1 C. ARTOK< to >31 I. STRAWINSKY° Berceuse <L’oiseau de feu>° 2.— / 32 —° Scherzo <L’oiseau de feu>° 2.—< alongside Dushkin’s piano reduction of a Boccherini Violin Concerto in D major and two compositions by >BLAIR FAIRCHILD< from Dushkin’s repertoire [° fill character (dotted line)].
*** Slash original.
**** Compositions are advertised with incipits from >Willy Richartz< to >J. Fiocco<; Strawinsky not mentioned.
+ Dividing (horizontal) 0,5 cm line.
6-8x [flush left] STRAWINSKY / [flush left centred] PASTORALE* / [vignette] / [flush right] Ed. Schott / **Chant et Piano*** 2295 / Chant et 4 instruments à vent / **(Oboe, Corno Inglese, Clarinetta in La / **Fagotto)*** Partition 3399 / **Parties en location / Violon et Piano*** 2294 / **(par Strawinsky et Dushkin) / Violon et 4 instruments à vent / **Partition*** 3313 / **Parties en location / [centre centred) EDITION SCHOTT // PASTORALE / Chanson sans paroles / par / Igor Strawinsky / [Asterisk] / [#] Edition Schott / [belowcentred] No. / [#] Transcription par I. Strawinsky et / **S. Dushkin / **Violon et Piano*** 2294 / **Violon et 4 instruments à vent / **<Oboe, Corno inglese, Clarinetto, Fagotto> / **Partition*** 3313 / Parties / Edition originale: / **Chant et Piano*** 2295 / **Chant et 4 instruments à vent / **<Oboe, Corno inglese, Clarinetto, Fagotto> / **Partition*** 3399 / **Parties <en location> / B. SCHOTT'S SÖHNE [#****] SCHOTT & Co. Ltd. / MAINZ: Weihergarten 5 [#****] London W. 1: 48 Great Marlborough Str. / Paris: Editions Max Eschig [#****] New-York: 25 West 45th Street / 48 Rue de Rome [#****] Associated Music Publishers, Inc. / Printed in Germany – Imprimé en Allemagne // (Edition violine-piano stapled 23 [22.]x 30.3 (4° [4°]); 4 [4] pages + 4 cover pages black-red on [faded] dirty beige [front cover title with vignette 1,4 x 0,9 leaf attached to part of a branch, 2 empty pages, page with publisher’s advertisements >NEUE MUSIK FÜR VIOLINE<° production date >12<] + 2 pages front matter [title page, empty page] + 2 pages back matter [empty page, page with publisher’s advertisements >IGOR STRAWINSKY<°° production date >24< + below advertising text flush left printed French permission framed >G. M. Z. F. O. / Visa No 5169 de la Direction de l’Education Publique / Autorization 1297 de la Direction de l’information<] + 3 [2] pages violin-part enclosed + title page >Violino / Igor Strawinsky / Chanson sans paroles / B. Schott's Söhne /°°° Mainz + 1 page back matter [page with publisher’s advertisements°° >ERFOLGREICHE WERKE / Grands Succès [#] Great Successes / VIOLINE & PIANO< production date >22<]; title head unpaginated [p. 1] part unpaginated [p. 2] >PASTORALE<; author specified 1st page of the score unpaginated [p. 1] (part: unpaginated [p. 2]) below title head flush right >Igor Strawinsky< flush left centred between title head and flush right author specified >Arrangé pour violon et piano / par l'auteur et S. Dushkin<; legal reservation score + part 1st page of the score below type area flush left >Copyright 1934 by B. Schott’s Söhne in Mainz<; plate number >B·S·S 33976>; production indication score p. 4 [part: p. 3] as end mark flush right >Stich u. Druck von B. Schott's Söhne in Mainz<) // [(1934) 1948]
* Printed in orange-red.
** Indented.
*** Fill character (dotted line).
**** Dividing round publisher’s emblem ø 2 wheel of Mainz in a frame containing text in bottom half >PER MARE< [#] >ET TERRAS< left and right, spanning more than 4 lines.
° Compositions are advertised under the heading > VIOLINE ALLEIN < without edition-numbers >Igor Strawinsky (1882) / Elegie für Violine (oder Viola)<, under the heading >VIOLINE UND KLAVIER< with edition numbers behind fill character (dotted line) >Igor Strawinsky (1882) / Berceuse aus „Feuervogel“ (Dushkin) 2081 / do. Neuausgabe vom Komponisten 2186 / Pastorale 2294 / Prélude et Rondo aus „Feuervogel“ 2080<, under the heading >VIOLINE UND ORCHESTER< with edition number behind fill character (dot) Distanzpunkt >Igor Strawinsiy (1882) / Concerto en Ré für Violine und Orchester, Klavierauszug 2190<.
°°° Slash original.
°°°° Strawinsky not mentioned.
Strawinsky’s copy has no violin part and contains one comment >New augmented / version 1934<.
6-8[51] I. STRAWINSKY / PASTORALE* / [vignette] / Ed. Schott / Chant et Piano** 2295 / Chant et 4 instruments à vent / (Oboe, Corno Inglese, Clarinetto in La / Fagotto)** Partition 3399 / Parties en location / Violon et Piano** 2294 / (par Strawinsky et Dushkin) / Violon et 4 Instruments à vent / Partition** 3313 / Parties en location*** / EDITION SCHOTT // PASTORALE / Chanson sans paroles / par / Igor Strawinsky / [Asterisk] / Edition Schott / No. / Transcription par I. Strawinsky et / S. Dushkin / Violin et Piano** 2294 / Violon et 4 instruments à vent / <Oboe, Corno inglese, Clarinetto, Fagotto> / Partition** 3313 / Parties / Edition originale: / Chant et Piano** 2295 / Chant et 4 instruments à vent / <Oboe, Corno inglese, Clarinetto, Fagotto> / Partition** 3399 / Parties (en location) / B. SCHOTT'S SÖHNE [****] SCHOTT & Co. Ltd. / MAINZ: Weihergarten 5 [****] London W. 1: 48 Great Marlborough Str. / Paris: Editions Max Eschig [****] New York: 25 West 45 th Street / 48 Rue de Rome [****] Associated Music Publishers Inc. / Printed in Germany – Imprimé en Allemagne // (Edition violine-piano stapled 22.8 x 30 (4°[Lex. 8° / 4°]); 4 [4] pages + 4 cover pages thin cardboard black light red on dirty beige [front cover title with black vignette 1.4 x 0.8 leaf attached to part of a branch, 2 empty pages, empty page with black publisher’s emblem oval 2.8 x 4 wheel of Mainz in a frame containing text in bottom half >PER MARE< [#] >ET TERRAS< left and right] + 2 pages front matter [title page, empty page] + 2 pages back matter [empty page, page with publisher’s advertisements >Igor Strawinsky<***** production date >24<] + 3 [2]° pages enclosed violin-part + 1 page front matter [title page >Violino / Igor Strawinsky / PASTORALE / Chanson sans paroles / B. SCHOTT'S SÖHNE /°° MAINZ] + 1 page back matter [page with publisher’s advertisements >ERFOLGREICHE WERKE / Grands Succès [#] Great Successes / VIOLINE & PIANO<°°° production date >22<]; title head >PASTORALE<; author specifiedn 1st page of the score Partitur unpaginated [p. 1] part unpaginated [p. 2] below title head flush left centred >Arrangé pour violon et piano / par l'auteur et S. Dushkin< / flush right above type area >Igor Strawinsky<; legal reservation score + part 1st page of the score below type area flush left >Copyright 1934 by B. Schotts Söhne, Mainz<; plate number >B·S·S 33976<; production indication score p. 4 [part: p. 3:] flush right as end mark >Stich u. Druck von B. Schott's Söhne in Mainz<) // [1951]
* Printed in light orange.
** Fill character (dotted line).
*** Advertising block right.
**** Dividing round publisher’s emblem ø 2 wheel of Mainz in a frame containing text in bottom half >PER MARE< [#] >ET TERRAS< left and right, spanning more than 4 lines.
***** Y as fancy letter. Compositions are advertised in French, the library material without editon numbers, the material for sale with edition numbers behind fill character (dotted line) >Concerto per due Pianoforti soli 2520 / Feu d'artifice. Fantaisie pour grand orchestre, opus 4 / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3464 / Réduction pour Piano à 4 mains (O. Singer) 962 / Scherzo fantastique. Fantaisie pour grand orchestre / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3501 / Symphonie en Ut pour grand orchestre / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3536 / Concerto pour Violon et orchestre / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3504 / Réduction pour Violon et Piano 2190 / Jeu de cartes. Ballet / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3511 / Partition de Piano 3296 / L'oiseau de feu. Ballet / Partition de Piano 3279 / Piano: / Berceuse 2547 / Ronde des princesses 2548 / Danse infernale, Berceuse et Finale (Transcription par Guido Agosti) 2378 / Violon et Piano: / Berceuse (Transcription par l'auteur) 2081 / Prélude et Ronde des princesses° Transcription par l'auteur) 2080 / Berceuse (Transcription par l'auteur et Dushkin) 2186 / Scherzo (Transcription par l'auteur et Dushkin) 2280) / Pastorale. Chanson sans paroles / Chant et Piano 2295 / Chant et 4 instruments à vent°° [#] Partition°°° 3399 / [#] Parties (en location) / Violon et Piano (par Strawinsky et Dushkin) 2294 / Violon et 4 instruments à vent°° [#] Partition°°° 3313 / Parties (en location) / Belowschale. Russiane Bauernlieder. 4 Chöre für gleiche Stimmen. / Beim Heiland von Tschigissy – Herbst – Der Hecht – Freund Dicksack< [° missing dot and missing left bracket original; °° fill character (dotted line); °°° without fill character (dotted line)].
° 1st page of the score unpaginated [p. 2].
°° Slash original.
°°° 13 compositions with incipits by 11 composers are advertised, not in alphabetical order; Strawinsky not mentioned.
The copy in Strawinsky’s estate has an annotation on the outer title page from next to underneath the frame. The copy only contains up to p. 15.
6-10 Igor Strawinsky / PASTORALE / pour Violon / et quatuor / d'instruments / à vent / Edition SCHOTT // PASTORALE / PER VIOLINO / OBOE /* CORNO INGLESE / CLARINETTO /* FAGOTTO / B. SCHOTT’S SÖHNE /* MAINZ // // (Score sewn 27.5 (27.8**) x 18.2 (19,2**) oblong (8° obl. [8° quer]); 15 [13] pages + 4 pages surviving cover with vertically grooved, thick, handmade paper, dark brown on dark cream white [the outer titles are quasi-handwritten and ornamental inside a frame] 11,9 x 9,2 centre centred, 2 empty pages, empty page with black-white publisher’s emblem rectangular centre 2.4 x 3.8 lion with wheel of Mainz in its paws and with writing encircling >B · SCHOTT’S SÖHNE< [#] >PER MARE< [#] >MAINZ UND LEIPZIG< [#] >ET TERRAS<] + 2 pages front matter [title page, author specified centre centred >Arrangé pour Violon / et quatuor à vent par / l'auteur et S. Dushkin<] + 1 page back matter [empty page]; title head >PASTORALE<; author specified 1st page of the score unpaginated [p. 3] below title head flush right >Igor Strawinsky<; legal reservation 1st page of the score below type area flush left >Copyright 1934 by B. Schott's Söhne, Mainz<; without plate number; without edition number; production indication p. 15 flush right as end mark >Stich u. Druck von B. Schott's Söhne in Mainz<) // [1934]
* Slash original
** Measurement with cover.
6-10[52] Igor Strawinsky / PASTORALE / pour Violon / et quatuor / d'instruments / à vent / Edition SCHOTT 3313 // Igor Strawinsky / PASTORALE / POUR VIOLONO/ OBOE/* CORNO INGLESE/ CLARINETTO/* FAGOTTO/ PARTITION / B. SCHOTT’S SÖHNE /* MAINZ / PRINTED IN GERMANY // (Score [library binding] 27.2 x 18.6 oblong (8° obl. [8° quer]); 15 [13] pages + 4 cover pages thicker paper black on light brown-beige [front cover title in double frame 12 x 9.3 with quasi-handwrittenscript°, 2 empty pages, empty page with black publisher’s emblem oval centre centred 2.7 x 3.5 wheel of Mainz in a frame containing text in bottom half >PER MARE< [#] >ET TERRAS< left and right] + 2 pages front matter [title page in a simple frame, empty page] + 1 page back matter [empty page]; title head >PASTORALE<; author specified 1st page of the score unpaginated [p. 3] below title head flush right >Igor Strawinsky<; arranger specified 1st page of the score between title head and author specified flush left >Arrangé pour Violon / et quatuor à vent par / l'auteur et S. Dushkin<; legal reservation 1st page of the score below type area flush left >Copyright 1934 by B. Schott's Söhne, Mainz<; plate number >B·S·S 33967; production indication p. 15 flush right as end mark >Stich u. Druck von B. Schott's Söhne in Mainz<) // [1952]
° His first name, Igor, was also in quasi-capital-letter ornamental lettering.
* Slash original.
6-10[62] Igor Strawinsky / PASTORALE / pour Violon / et quatuor / d'instruments / à vent / Edition SCHOTT 3313* // IGOR STRAWINSKY / PASTORALE / CHANT SANS PAROLES / Arrangé / pour Violon et quatuor d'instruments à vent / par l'auteur et S. Dushkin / Partition / Edition Schott 3313 / B. SCHOTT'S SÖHNE · MAINZ / Schott & Co. Ltd., London · B. Schott's Söhne (Editions Max Eschig), Paris / Schott Music Corp. (Associated Music Publishers Inc.), New York / Printed in Germany // (Score [library binding] 27.5 x 18.6 oblong (8° obl. [8° quer]); 15 [13] pages + 4 cover pages thin cardboard black on cream-white [front cover title in a frame 12 x 9.3 with fancy letters, 2 empty pages, empty page with publisher’s emblem 1.6 x 2.8 wheel of Mainz without text] + 2 pages front matter [title page, empty page] + 1 page back matter [empty page]; title head >PASTORALE<; authors specified 1st page of the score unpaginated [p. 3] below title head flush left >Arrangé pour Violon et / quatuor à vent par / l'auteur et S. Dushkin< above type area flush right >Igor Strawinsky<; legal reservation >1st page of the score below type area flush left >© by B. Schott's Söhne, Mainz 1934 · © renewed 1962<; plate number [exclusively in connection with production indication] >33967<; production indication in connection with plate number p. 15 flush right as end mark >Stich u. Druck: B. Schott's Söhne, Mainz 33967<) // [1962]
* Slash original.
6-11St STRAWINSKY / PASTORALE / Chant sans paroles / arrangé pour / Violon et quatuor d'instruments à vent / par / l'auteur et S. Dushkin / [vignette] / PARTIES / B. SCHOTT'S SÖHNE, MAINZ // Igor Strawinsky / PASTORALE / Chanson sans paroles / B. SCHOTT'S SÖHNE /* MAINZ // (Set of parts 22.7 x 29.8 (4° [Lex. 8°]) Violine, Oboe, Corno Inglese, Clarinetto in La, Fagotto; 4 cover pages thick paper black on grey veined [front cover title with vignette 1.8 x 1.7 flower, 2 empty pages, page with publisher’s emblem rectangular 2,4 x 3,7 lion with wheel of Mainz in its paws and with writing encircling >B · SCHOTT’S SÖHNE / PER MARE / MAINZ UND LEIPZIG / ET TERRAS<] + 3 [2] pages violin part [title page, 2 pages of the score, page with publisher’s advertisements >ERFOLGREICHE WERKE / Grands Succés [#] Great Successes / Violine & Piano<** production date >22<] + enclosed 4 x 1 page wind section parts [Notenseite, empty page]; title head >PASTORALE<; names of the instruments violin part 1st page of the score above title head flush left underlined >Violino<, p. 2 above type area centre >Violino<, wind section >Oboe< >Corno Inglese< >Clarinetto in La< >Fagotto< above type area centre; author specified 1st page of the parts [violin part: unpaginated [p. 1], wind section unpaginated] below title head flush left centred >Arrangé pour Violon et quatuor à vent / par l'auteur et S. Dushkin< / flush right >Igor Strawinsky<; legal reservation 1st page of the parts below type area flush left >Copyright 1934 by B. Schott's Söhne, Mainz<; note [only wind section] 1st page of the parts below type area above legal reservation flush left >zu Edition Schott No. 3313<; plate numbers >B·S·S 33976< [violin part***] >B·S·S 33967a< [wind section]; production indication 1st page of the parts [violin part p. 2] below type area flush right as end mark >Verlag, Stich u. Druck von B. Schott’s Söhne in Mainz< // (1934)
* Slash original.
** Strawinsky not mentioned.
*** London Exemplar >H.3992.e.(6.)< without violin part.
The copy in Stravinsky’s estate is signed >IStr< on the outer title page above the name >STRAWINSKY<, and on the inner title page between the subtitle and publisher’s name with >1st (1929) version / IStr<.
6-13Alb ART SONGS / from the / modern / 50* repertoire / REPRESENTING COMPOSERS / OF FIFTEEN NATIONALITIES / CONTENTS / [**] / [***] / STRAVINSKY–Pastorale / [****] / Price, $ 1.50 / (In U .S. A.) / G. SCHIRMER, Inc. [#] NEW YORK // FIFTY ART SONGS / from the / MODERN REPERTOIRE / [vignette] / Copyright, 1939, by G. Schirmer, Inc. / Printed in U. S. A. / G. SCHIRMER, Inc. / NEW YORK // Collected edition (anthology)22.2 x 29.5 [Lex. 8°]; sung texts original with English translation; 214 [212] pages + 4 cover pages thicker paper [ornamental front cover laid out in blocks of text 3.2 + 12.6 + 12.1 + 1,6 black-white with various tones of green with black publisher’s emblem 2 x 2,5 lyre entwined with leaves with three convex lines of text, each boxed individually, above, >LABORUM / DULCE / LENIMEN< above and a boxed, concave line of text below>G. SCHIRMER< below, 2 empty pages white, page with publisher’s advertisements >ELEVEN / SPLENDID / COLLECTIONS That Should Be in Every Music Library / SCHIRMER’S DOLLAR BOOKS / OFFER EXCEPTIONAL VALUE< production date >A-1028< white] + 6 pages front matter [2 empty pages, title page in a simple double frame, empty page, index listed according to nationality >CONTENTS / BY NATIONALITIES OF COMPOSERS<, empty page] + 2 pages back matter [List of composers >INDEX BY COMPOSERS<, empty page]; 1st page of the score paginated p. 3; reprint edition voice-piano pp. 196-197; sung texts [only] English [>Ahoo<]; title head >Pastorale<; dedication above title head centre italic >To Mlle. Nadiejda Rimsky-Korsakow<; author specified p. 196 below title head flush right >Igor Stravinsky<; without legal reservation; without acknowledging the original publishers; without statement of permission*****; plate number [= plate number collected edition] >33818<; without production indication; without end marks) // 1939
* Number with a 2.5cm tall spike the width of the block of text.
** In the left-hand column, an alphabetical list of 21 composers from >BARTÓK–Tears of Autumn< to >LALO–L’Esclave< (Borodin, Carpenter, Cimara, Debussy, Dies, Duparc, Dvogák, Engel, Falla, Fauré, Ganz, Gretchaninoff, Grever, Grieg, Griffes, Hageman, Hahn, Hüe, Kotchetoff) with compositions.
*** In the right-hand column, the continuation of the alphabetical list with 10 composers from >LŒFFLER–Adieu pour jamais< to SIBELIUS–From the North< (Moussorgsky, Palmgren, Prokofieff, Rachmaninoff, Ravel, Respighi, Sandoval, Schoenberg) with compositions.
**** The continuation of the alphabetical list with 6 composers from >STRAUSS–Cäcilie / –Morgen< to >WOLF–Fussreise / –Gesang Weyla’s / –Verschwiegene Liebe< (Szymanowski, Tchaikovsky, Treharne, Vaugham Williams) with compositions.
***** The album usually acknowledges the original publishers as well as the printing licences in its single reprinting, apart from for Grieg, Stravinsky, Wolf [only for the Verschwiegene Liebe] and Williams, where the original publishers are also not named.
6-14 1941 Edition piano (Frederick Block); Kaleidoscope Edition Edward B. Marks Music Corporation New York; 5 pp. 23,3 x 29,8 (4° [Lex. 8°]); Pl.-Nr. 11515-3; Ed.-Nr. 11515 [unidentified].
6-14Alb PASTORALE // ([in:] CONTEMPORARY MASTERPIECES · ALBUM No. 9 / ALBUM OF / IGOR STRAVINSKY / MASTERPIECES / [Porträt] / SELECTED COMPOSITIONS for PIANO SOLO / PRICE $1.00 NET / MADE / IN U.S.A. / EDWARD B. MARKS MUSIC CORPORATION · RCA BLDG. · RADIO CITY · NEW YORK; 87 [85] pages + 4 cover pages black light orange on cream [front cover title with Strawinsky-Porträt facing left, 2 empty pages, page with publisher’s advertisements >ALBUMS OF CONTEMPORARY MASTERPIECES<* without production date] + 1 page back matter [page with publisher’s advertisements >KALEIDOSCOPE EDITION / A NEW SERIES FOR PIANO BY CONTEMPORARY COMPOSERS<** without production date) // (3 pp. [pp. 24-26], title head ????? ; arranger specified 1st page of the parts paginated p. 16 below title head flush left centred italic >Arranged by / FREDERICK BLOCK<; author specified next to 2. line arranger specified flush right >IGOR STRAVINSKY<; legal reservation with production indication 1st page of the parts below type area centre >Copyright MCMXLI by Edward B. Marks Music Corporation. / All Rights reserved. [#] Printed in U. S. A.<; plate number >11515-3<; without end marks) // 1941
* 6 albums are advertised (Albeniz, Debussy, Dohnányi, Rachmaninoff, Ravel, Scriabine).
** Compositions are advertised under the heading >PART ONE< by Albeniz, Borodin, Bortkiewitz, Chabrier, Chavarri, Debussy, Dohnanyi, Dukas, Enescu, de Falla, Faure, Granados. Gliere, Holmes, Ippolitow-Iwanow, Juon, Lareglia, Lecuosa; Strawinsky not mentioned.
6-15 1942 Edition flute-piano; Edition Musicus; [unidentified].
6-16 1942 Edition oboe-piano; Edition Musicus; 5. S. [unidentified].
6-17 1942 Edition clarinet in Bb-piano; Edition Musicus; [unidentified].
6-18 I. STRAWINSKY / PASTORALE* / [vignette] / [#] Ed. Schott / Chant et Piano** 2295 / Chant et 4 instruments à vent / (Oboe, Corno Inglese, Clarinetto in La / Fagotto)** Partition 3399 / **Parties en location / Violon et Piano** 2294 / (par Strawinsky et Dushkin) / Violon et 4 instruments à vent / Partition** 3313 / Parties en location / EDITION SCHOTT // Edition Schott 2295 / PASTORALE / pour Chant et Piano / par / Igor Strawinsky / [Asterisk] / B. SCHOTT'S SÖHNE [#***] SCHOTT & Co. Ltd. / MAINZ: Weihergarten 5 [#***] London W. 1: 48 Great Marlborough Str. / Paris: Editions Max Eschig [#***] New-York: 25 West 45 th Street / 48 Rue de Rome [#***] Associated Music Publishers, Inc. / Printed in Germany – Imprimé en Allemagne // (Edition stapled 22.8 x 30] (4° [Lex. 8° / 4°]); vokalise Russian-French; 5 [3] pages enclosed + 4 cover pages black-orange red on dirty brown-beige [front cover title with vignette 1.9 x 1 leaf attached to part of a branch, 2 empty pages, empty page with centre centred publisher’s emblem oval 2,8 x 3,5 wheel of Mainz in a frame containing text in bottom half >PER MARE< [#] >ET TERRAS< left and right + below advertising text flush left printed French permission >G. M. Z. F. O. / Visa No 5183 de la Direction de l’Education Publique / Autorisation 1297 de la Direction de l’Information<] + 2 pages front matter [title page, page with dedication italic >A Mademoiselle Nadiejda Rimsky-Korsakow<] + 1 page back matter [page with publisher’s advertisements**** >IGOR STRAWINSKY< without production date]; title head >Pastorale<; author specified 1st page of the score unpaginated [p. 3] below title head flush right centred >Igor Strawinsky / (1908)<; legal reservation 1st page of the score below type area flush left >Copyright 1948 by B. Schott & Co. Ltd., London<; plate number >B·S·S 37191<; production indication p. 5 flush right as end mark >Stich u. Druck von B. Schott's Söhne in Mainz<) // [1948]
* Printed in orange.
** Fill character (dotted line).
*** Dividing round publisher’s emblem ø 2.2 wheel of Mainz in a frame containing text in bottom half >PER MARE< [#] >ET TERRAS< left and right, spanning more than 4 lines.
**** Compositions are advertised in French, the library material without editon numbers, the material for sale with edition numbers behind fill character (dotted line) >Concerto per due Pianoforti soli 2520 / Feu d'artifice. Fantaisie pour grand orchestre, opus 4 / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3464 / Réduction pour Piano à 4 mains (O. Singer) 962 / Scherzo fantastique. Fantaisie pour grand orchestre / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3501 / Symphonie en Ut pour grand orchestre / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3536 / Concerto pour Violon et orchestre / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3504 / Réduction pour Violon et Piano 2190 / Jeu de cartes. Ballet / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3511 / Partition de Piano 3296 / L'oiseau de feu. Ballet / Partition de Piano 3279 / Piano: / Berceuse 2547 / Ronde des princesses 2548 / Danse infernale, Berceuse et Finale (Transcription par Guido Agosti) 2378 / Violon et Piano: / Berceuse (Transcription par l'auteur) 2081 / Prélude et Ronde des princesses° Transcription par l'auteur) 2080 / Berceuse (Transcription par l'auteur et Dushkin) 2186 / Scherzo (Transcription par l'auteur et Dushkin) 2280) / Pastorale. Chanson sans paroles / Chant et Piano 2295 / Chant et 4 instruments à vent°° [#] Partition°°° 3399 / [#] Parties (en location) / Violon et Piano (par Strawinsky et Dushkin) 2294 / Violon et 4 instruments à vent°° [#] Partition°°° 3313 / Parties (en location) / Belowschale. Russiane Bauernlieder. 4 Chöre für gleiche Stimmen. / Beim Heiland von Tschigissy – Herbst – Der Hecht – Freund Dicksack< [°missing dot and missing left bracket original; °° fill character (dotted line); °°° without fill character (dotted line)].
6-18[53] STRAWINSKY / PASTORALE* / [vignette] / [#] Ed. Schott / Chant et Piano** 2295 / Chant et 4 instruments à vent / (Oboe, Corno Inglese, Clarinetto in La / Fagotto)** Partition 3399 / **Parties en location / Violon et Piano** 2294 / (par Strawinsky et Dushkin) / Violon et 4 instruments à vent / Partition** 3313 / Parties en location / EDITION SCHOTT // Edition Schott 2295 / PASTORALE / pour Chant et Piano / par / Igor Strawinsky / [Asterisk] / B. SCHOTT'S SÖHNE [#***] SCHOTT & Co. Ltd. / MAINZ: Weihergarten 5 [#***] London W. 1: 48 Great Marlborough Str. / Paris: Editions Max Eschig [#***] New-York: 25 West 45 th Street / 48 Rue de Rome [#***] Associated Music Publishers, Inc. / Printed in Germany – Imprimé en Allemagne // (Edition stapled 22.8 x 30] (4° [Lex. 8° / 4°]); vokalise Russian-French; 5 [3] pages enclosed + 4 cover pages black-orange on light brown (beige) [front cover title with vignette 1.9 x 1 leaf attached to part of a branch, 2 empty pages, empty page with centre centred publisher’s emblem oval 2.8 x 3.5 wheel of Mainz in a frame containing text in bottom half >PER MARE< [#] >ET TERRAS< left and right] + 2 pages front matter [title page, page with dedication centre italic >A Mademoiselle Nadiejda Rimsky-Korsakow<] + 1 page back matter [page with publisher’s advertisements >IGOR STRAWINSKY<**** without production date]; title head >Pastorale<; author specified 1st page of the score unpaginated [p. 3] below title head flush right centred >Igor Strawinsky / (1908)<; legal reservation 1st page of the score below type area flush left >Copyright 1948 by B. Schott & Co. Ltd., London<; plate number >B·S·S 37191<; production indication p. 5 flush right as end mark >Stich u. Druck von B. Schott's Söhne in Mainz<) // [1953]
* Printed in orange.
** Fill character (dotted line).
*** Dividing round publisher’s emblem ø 2.2 wheel of Mainz in a frame containing text in bottom half >PER MARE< [#] >ET TERRAS< left and right, spanning more than 4 lines.
**** In French, the library material is advertised without edition numbers, the compositions for sale are advertised with edition numbers behind fill character (dotted line) >Concerto per due Pianoforti soli 2520 / Feu d'artifice. Fantaisie pour grand orchestre, opus 4 / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3464 / Réduction pour Piano à 4 mains (O. Singer) 962 / Scherzo fantastique. Fantaisie pour grand orchestre / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3501 / Symphonie en Ut pour grand orchestre / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3536 / Concerto pour Violon et orchestre / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3504 / Réduction pour Violon et Piano 2190 / Jeu de cartes. Ballet / Partition d'orchestre et Parties d'orchestre (en location) / Partition d'orchestre (format de poche) 3511 / Partition de Piano 3296 / L'oiseau de feu. Ballet / Partition de Piano 3279 / Piano: / Berceuse 2547 / Ronde des princesses 2548 / Danse infernale, Berceuse et Finale (Transcription par Guido Agosti) 2378 / Violon et Piano: / Berceuse (Transcription par l'auteur) 2081 / Prélude et Ronde des princesses° Transcription par l'auteur) 2080 / Berceuse (Transcription par l'auteur et Dushkin) 2186 / Scherzo (Transcription par l'auteur et Dushkin) 2280) / Pastorale. Chanson sans paroles / Chant et Piano 2295 / Chant et 4 instruments à vent°° [#] Partition°°° 3399 / [#] Parties (en location) / Violon et Piano (par Strawinsky et Dushkin) 2294 / Violon et 4 instruments à vent°° [#] Partition°°° 3313 / Parties (en location) / Belowschale. Russiane Bauernlieder. 4 Chöre für gleiche Stimmen. / Beim Heiland von Tschigissy – Herbst – Der Hecht – Freund Dicksack< [°missing dot and missing left bracket original ; °° fill character (dotted line); °°° without fill character (dotted line)].
6-18[61] STRAWINSKY / PASTORALE* / [vignette] / [#] Ed. Schott / Chant et Piano** 2295 / Chant et 4 instruments à vent / (Oboe, Corno Inglese, Clarinetto in La / Fagotto)** Partition 3399 / **Parties en location / Violon et Piano** 2294 / (par Strawinsky et Dushkin) / Violon et 4 instruments à vent / Partition** 3313 / Parties en location / EDITION SCHOTT // IGOR STRAWINSKY / Pastorale / pour Chant et Piano / Edition Schott 2295 / B. SCHOTT'S SÖHNE · MAINZ / Schott & Co. Ltd., London [#] B. Schott’s Söhne (Editions Max Eschig) Paris / Schott Music Corp. (Associated Music Publishers Inc.), New York // (Edition stapled 23 x 30.1 (4° [4°]); vokalise Russian-French; 7 [3] pages enclosed + 4 cover pages black-orangered on hellbrown-beige [front cover title with vignette 1.9 x 1 leaf attached to part of a branch, 2 empty pages, empty page with centre centred publisher’s emblem oval 2,7 x 3,5 wheel of Mainz in a frame containing text in bottom half >PER MARE< [#] >ET TERRAS< left and right] + 4 pages front matter [title page, empty page, page with dedication centre italic >A Mademoiselle Nadiejda Rimsky-Korsakow<, empty page] + 1 page back matter [page with publisher’s advertisements**** >IGOR STRAWINSKY***< production date >24<]; title head >Pastorale<; author specified 1st page of the score unpaginated [p. 5] below title head flush right centred >Igor Strawinsky / (1908)<; legal reservation 1st page of the score below type area flush left >Copyright 1948 by B. Schott & Co. Ltd., London<; plate number >B·S·S 37191<; production indication p. 5 below type area flush left >Printed in Germany< flush right as end mark >Stich u. Druck B. Schott's Söhne, Mainz<) // [1961]
* Printed in orange.
** Fill character (dotted line).
*** Compositions are advertised with edition numbers behind fill character (dotted line) >Babel. Kantate nach Moses I, 11. Kap., 1–9, für Sprecher, Männerchor und / Orchester° Klavierauszug 4342 / Circus-Polka für Klavier zu 2 Händen° 4282 / für 2 Klaviere zu 4 Händen° 4283 / für Orchester° Studienpartitur 4274 / Concerto für 2 Klaviere° 2520 / Concerto in D für Violine und Orchester° Studienpartitur 3504 / Klavierauszug 2190 / Concerto in Es (Dumbarton Oaks) für Kammerorchester° Studienpartitur 3527 / Klavierauszug für 2 Klaviere 2791 / Danses concertantes für Kammerorchester° Studienpartitur 4275 / Elegie für Violine oder Viola solo° 4477 / Der Feuervogel, Ballett° Klavierauszug 3279 / Daraus einzeln: / Berceuse für Klavier zu 2 Händen (Willms)° 2547 / Berceuse für Violine und Klavier (Transkription vom Komponisten) 2081 / Berceuse für Violine und Klavier (Transkription vom Komponisten / und S. Dushkin)° 2186 / Ronde des princesses für Klavier zu 2 Händen (Willms)°] 2548 / Prélude et Ronde des princesses für Violine und Klavier (Transkrip- / tion vom Komponisten)° 2080 / Danse infernale, Berceuse et Finale für Klavier zu 2 Händen (Agosti)°° 2378 / Scherzo für Violine und Klavier (Transkription vom Komponisten / und S. Dushkin)° 2250< / Orchester-Suite (1945)° Studienpartitur 4420 / Feuerwerk. Eine Fantasie für großes Orchester° Studienpartitur 3464 / Klavierauszug zu 4 Händen 962 / Das Kartenspiel. Ballett° Klavierauszug 3296 / Studienpartitur 3511 / Musikalische Poetik. Vorlesungen an der Harvard-University° 3612 / Pas de deux nach dem Ballett „Dornröschen“ von Tschaikowsky für Orchester°° / Studienpartitur 4409 / Pastorale. Lied ohne Worte / Gesang und Klavier° 2295 / Gesang und 4 Blasinstrumente° Partitur 3399 / Violine und Klavier (Strawinsky und S. Dushkin)° 2294 / Violine und 4 Blasinstrumente° Partitur 3313 / Scherzo à la russe für Orchester° Studienpartitur 4553 / Scherzo fantastique. Fantasie für großes Orchester° Studienpartitur 3501 / Sonate für 2 Klaviere zu vier Händen° 4015 / Symphonie en Ut° Studienpartitur 3536 / Symphony in three movements° Studienpartitur 4075 / Tango für Klavier° 4917 / für Orchester° Studienpartitur 4569 / Belowschale. Russiane Bauernlieder. 4 Chöre für gleiche Stimmen. / Beim Heiland von Tschigissy – Herbst – Der Hecht – Freund Dicksack / Igor Strawinsky. Mensch und Künstler / Ein Buch des Sohnes Théodore above seinen Vater° 4202 / Auf Wunsch steht ein ausführliches Verzeichnis zur Verfügung.< [° = fill character (dotted line); °° without fill character (dotted line)].
6-18[64][flush left] STRAWINSKY / [flush left centred] PASTORALE* / [vignette] / [flush right] Ed. Schott / **Chant et Piano*** 2295 / Chant et 4 instruments à vent / **(Oboe, Corno Inglese, Clarinetta in La / **Fagotto)*** Partition 3399 / **Parties en location / Violon et Piano*** 2294 / **(par Strawinsky et Dushkin) / Violon et 4 instruments à vent / **Partition*** 3313 / **Parties en location / [centre centred) EDITION SCHOTT // IGOR STRAWINSKY / Pastorale / pour Chant et Piano / Edition Schott 2295 / B. SCHOTT'S SÖHNE · MAINZ / Schott & Co. Ltd., London · B. Schott's Söhne (Editions Max Eschig), Paris / Schott Music Corp. (Associated Music Publishers Inc.), New York // (Edition [library binding] 23 x 30.2 (2° [4°]); sung text French-Russian; 7 [3] pages + 4 cover pages black-red on beige [front cover title, 2 empty pages, empty page with centre centred publisher’s emblem oval 1.6 x 2.8 wheel of Mainz without text] + 4 pages front matter [title page, empty page, page with dedication italic >A Mademoiselle Nadiejda Rimsky-Korsakow<, empty page] + 1 page back matter [page with publisher’s advertisements >IGOR STRAWINSKY<**** production date >24<]; title head >Pastorale<; author specified 1st page of the score unpaginated [p. 5] flush right centred >Igor Strawinsky / (1908)<; legal reservation 1st page of the score below type area flush left >Copyright 1948 by Schott & Co. Ltd., London<; plate number [only p. 7] >B·S·S 37191<; production indicatione as end marks p. 7 flush left >Printed in Germany< flush right >Stich u. Druck: B. Schott's Söhne, Mainz<) // [1964]
* Printed in orange.
** indented.
*** Fill character (dotted line).
**** Compositions are advertised with edition numbers behind fill character (dotted line) >Babel. Kantate nach Moses I, 11. Kap., 1–9, für Sprecher, Männerchor und / Orchester° Klavierauszug 4342 / Circus-Polka für Klavier zu 2 Händen° 4282 / für 2 Klaviere zu 4 Händen° 4283 / für Orchester° Studienpartitur 4274 / Concerto für 2 Klaviere° 2520 / Concerto in D für Violine und Orchester° Studienpartitur 3504 / [#] Klavierauszug 2190 / Concerto in Es (Dumbarton Oaks) für Kammerorchester° Studienpartitur 3527 / [#] Klavierauszug für 2 Klaviere 2791 / Danses concertantes für Kammerorchester° Studienpartitur 4275 / Elegie für Violine oder Viola solo° 4477 / Der Feuervogel, Ballett° Klavierauszug 3279 / Daraus einzeln: / Berceuse für Klavier zu 2 Händen (Willms)° 2547 / Berceuse für Violine und Klavier (Transkription vom Komponisten)°° 2081 / Berceuse für Violine und Klavier (Transkription vom Komponisten / und S. Dushkin)° 2186 / Ronde des princesses für Klavier zu 2 Händen (Willms)° 2548 / Prélude et Ronde des princesses für Violine und Klavier (Transkrip- / tion vom Komponisten)° 2080 / Danse infernale, Berceuse et Finale für Klavier zu 2 Händen (Agosti)°° 2378 / Scherzo für Violine und Klavier (Transkription vom Komponisten / und S. Dushkin)° 2250< / Orchester-Suite (1945)° Studienpartitur 4420 / Feuerwerk. Eine Fantasie für großes Orchester° Studienpartitur 3464 / [#] Klavierauszug zu 4 Händen 962 / Das Kartenspiel. Ballett° Klavierauszug 3296 / [#] Studienpartitur 3511 / Musikalische Poetik. Vorlesungen an der Harvard-University° 3612 / Pas de deux nach dem Ballett „Dornröschen“ von Tschaikowsky für Orchester°° / [#] Studienpartitur 4409 / Pastorale. Lied ohne Worte / Gesang und Klavier° 2295 / Gesang und 4 Blasinstrumente° Partitur 3399 / Violine und Klavier (Strawinsky und S. Dushkin)° 2294 / Violine und 4 Blasinstrumente° Partitur 3313 / Scherzo à la russe für Orchester° Studienpartitur 4553 / Scherzo fantastique. Fantasie für großes Orchester° Studienpartitur 3501 / Sonate für 2 Klaviere zu vier Händen° 4015 / Symphonie en Ut für Orchester° Studienpartitur 3536 / Symphony in three movements für Orchester ° Studienpartitur 4075 / Tango für Klavier° 4917 / für Orchester° Studienpartitur 4569 / Belowschale. Russiane Bauernlieder. 4 Chöre für gleiche Stimmen. / Beim Heiland von Tschigissy – Herbst – Der Hecht – Freund Dicksack / [Asterisk] / Igor Strawinsky. Mensch und Künstler / Ein Buch des Sohnes Théodore above seinen Vater° 4202 / Auf Wunsch steht ein ausführliches Verzeichnis zur Verfügung.< [° = fill character (dotted line); °° without fill character (dotted line)].
6-19 1955 Score (Arrangement wood wind section Maganini); Edition Musicus New York; 4 S.; Pl.-Nr. 1187 [unidentified].
6-20 КОНЦЕРТНЫЙ РЕПЕРТУАР / СКРИПАЧА / И. СТРАВИНСКИЙ / ПАСТОРАЛЬ / РУССКИЙ / ТАНеЦ / ОБРАБОТКА / ДЛЯ СКРИПКИ И ФОРТЕПИАНО° / [vignette] / МУЗГИЗ · 1963 // И. СТРАВИНСКИЙ / ПАСТОРАЛЬ / РУССКИЙ / ТАНеЦ / ОБРАБОТКА / ДЛЯ СКРИПКИ И ФОРТЕРИАНО / И. СТРАВИНСКОГО и С. ДУШКИНА / ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ МУЗЫКАЛЬНОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО / Москва 1963 // (Score (2°); 13 [12] pages [part: 6 [5] + 4 cover pages black on white and white on blue and speckled-blue [front cover title black-on-white in a blue and speckled-blue stylized violin body with a white-blue vignette of a treble clef on a five-line musical system, empty pages], + 1 page front matter [title page] + 2 pages back matter [imprint with billing of names >Редактор С. Сапожников / Техн. редактор М. Ильина< and itemized statements of format and origin, page with price at the top of the page flush left >25 к.< + production number >30883-ф.< + page with publisher’s advertisements in a frame >ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОЕ МУЗЫКАЛЬНОЕ ИЗДАТЕЛЬСТВО / Вышла и выходит в свет / ЛИТЕРАТУРА ДЛЯ СКРИПКИ И ФОРТЕПЬАНО°<* production date >18—62<] + 6 [5] pages text identical part with 1 page front matter [title page >Violino<]; title head >ПАСТОРАЛЬ<; author specified 1st page of the score paginated p. 2 below title head flush right >И. СТРАВИНСКИЙ< flush left >Обработка для скрипки и ф-п. / И. Стравинского и С. Душкина; without legal reservation; name of the instrument [only part] between title head and author specified centre >Violino<; plate number >30883<; without end marks) // 1963
° Original spelling.
* Under the heading >КОНЦЕРТНЫЯ РЕПЕРТУАР< compositions by Strawinsky are advertised >Стравинский И. Русская песна / Стравинский И. Скерцо / Стравинский И. Сюнта на темы Дж. Перго- / лези<.
K Catalog: Annotated Catalog of Works and Work Editions of Igor Strawinsky till 1971, revised version 2014 and ongoing, by Helmut Kirchmeyer.
© Helmut Kirchmeyer. All rights reserved.
http://www.kcatalog.org and http://www.kcatalog.net